Parking Management. Only in HTX.

LAM Parking specializes in unmatched management of surface parking lot and event parking exclusively in Houston, Texas.
We don’t want to be the biggest, just the best. We are a boutique firm specializing in Houston’s surface parking lot and event parking needs. In fact, our company was established by Houstonians exclusively for the Houston market. The result: executives and employees are on-site for hands-on attention to details that ensure a smooth and well-run surface lot. As we’ve proven time and again, our on-site involvement, from the top down, allows us to make critical, real-time decisions during event operations. This results in maximized ROI, increased efficiency, and helps build a loyal customer base.
So many parking companies today have cut essential expenses and the result is a machine on the parking lot that collects money with little to no personnel on the lot during the event. That is not the right way, but it is the cheap way. The end result is a lot of lost revenue to the property owner with little effect on the operator.
When you’ve lived and worked here your whole life, you gain the upper hand. We built LAM Parking on lifelong experience in Houston, making us the city’s first choice and best choice.
– Arthur F. Gallagher, III
Our Services
Our Parking Management Helps To:

“LAM Parking knows Houston – that knowledge allows us to customize our services for our facilities to maximize profits.”
– CFO, Regional Religious Financial Institution